Innovate MeOut Hungary
The future of AI within the Visegrad Four - Szeged
14th-16th November 2021

This conference is intended to review the extent of the spread of artificial intelligence in the V4 countries and the possibilities for its possible further utilization.
The conference will focus on V4 professionals and decision-makers who, at this event, can also lay the foundations for a future joint project that will also facilitate the transfer of innovation between countries.
During the event, participants will learn about the level represented by countries in the field of artificial intelligence and hear about good practices.


Place: Art Hotel (H-6720 Szeged, Somogyi u. 16.)

Time 14 November 2021, Sunday
13:00 -
Arrival of participants, Lunch
19:00 -
Time 15 November 2021, Monday
- 09:50
10:00 -
Welcome remarks: Greeting of guests;
venue: Körtvéllyesy room, Art Hotel
Keynote speeches, introduction of participants
Future of AI in V4 countries - Panel discussion
Dr. Mariusz MOL
Moderator: Dorottya Túros
11:45 - 12:15
Coffee break
12:15 - 13:30
Artificial Intelligence applications
Andras KICSI, Software Developer at University of Szeged
13:30 - 15:00
Lunch break
15:00 - 16:00
Artificial brain. Concept based on the idea of lego bricks
Dr. Mariusz MOL, Chief Technical Officer, Code One
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break
16:30 - 17:30
Biological and Artificial Intelligence Comparison
Nikola KRALJEVIC, WSB University, Gdańsk
20:00 –
Dinner at Classic Grill Serbian Restaurant
Time 16 November 2021, Tuesday
10:00 - 11:30
Toucan Eye. Seeing the unseen.
Krzysztof BORK-CESZLAK, Data Science Coach, InfoShare Academy
12:00 -
Farewell and departures