Move to Improve!

The project aims to recognise international programs as a means to build the capacities of VET stakeholders, including schools, VET providers and students. 


The capacity-building project aims to connect educational professionals, NGO members, secondary education representatives, and chambers of commerce. This collaboration between the private and public sectors is expected to lead to policy innovations in vocational education and training (VET). The project’s goal is to enhance the quality and adaptability of VET to meet social and employability needs. It focuses on students and teachers, recognizing that educators are crucial for passing on knowledge and skills. By involving teachers, the project ensures its results are sustainable and supports the transfer of skills across generations. Through experiential learning and training modules, participants will gain an international perspective on current labour market demands. This approach will help identify and address any skills mismatches.



To build teachers’ capacities in supporting students pre-departure through the support of regional partnership experts.


Developing students competencies through the promotion of work-based learning in international companies.


Enhancing entrepreneurial spirit by allowing students to develop the skills needed to become successful entrepreneurs.


Unlocking the innovation potential by work based learning to help students gain real-world experience and to help them develop the skills needed to be successful in their chosen field.


Enhancing the students and teachers digital skills and drawing their attention towards sustainability.


 Enhancing inclusion and diversity, students have complex socio-cultural and economic backgrounds and could not participate in similar opportunities alone. Teachers will favour deserving students’ involvement without discrimination, including practices of gender equality and gender balance.




Moving to improve by uniting the vocational education training system in the Western Balkans and Central Europe.

  • Vocational education development
  • Digital and green transformation
  • Innovation
  • Upskilling 
  • Sustainable development
  • Policy innovation

Long term students mobilities – Eighty days long mobilities for participants to gain in-depth experience and knowledge in their field

Teachers upskilling training – three days long training to enhance educators’ skills and knowledge, keeping them updated on the latest teaching methodologies, technologies, and educational research to improve student learning outcomes.

Job shadowings – an experiential learning activity observing a professional, understanding their roles and responsibilities, gaining a practical perspective of the workplace environment

Monitoring visits – ensuring the quality of the long term mobilities

Seminars – acquire insights on topics related to the project, the good practices related to digital tools to use in the classroom, practices to enhance collaboration, the entrepreneurial spirit of students and more

Coordination meetings – To align project activities and to discuss progress and next steps
