It’s been a week since the MeOut team’s launched the 2. season of the EuroAsian Startup Awards. We thought that is high time for our Founder, Attila Sándor, also the Main Master Mind behind our educational and innovational projects, to answer some questions about the initiative.


How did you decide to start on with EuroAsian Startup Awards?

All started with a vision I had 2,5 years ago, I knew the Global Startup Awards work and I thought “why not create one which connects Europe to Asia?”. We had all we needed: a great team, very good partners… then I decided to start this adventure! This region is very fragmented and varied but it has all the cards to start playing the game. As “an idea man” I believe that step by step we will make a change and contribute to the improvement of the EuroAsian region’s economies. I believe that innovation plays a crucial role in this and with innovative ideas and great people we can do amazing things. 


Why this region?

I wanted to connect the European startup environment to the Eurasian countries by this adventure. I wanted to build strong bridges between the two regions and create a wider ecosystem which is well connected and able to grow into a strong player on the global market. 

Also, I am happy to put Hungary in the position of mediating between the regions. Our country plays an important role in geographically speaking since is one of the countries connecting the two regions, we have to take all the best of this advantage and use it to boost innovation and economies. 

Attila Sandor_Founder of MeOutGroup_EASA

Attila Sandor – the Founder of MeOut Group, EASA

What are the reactions in the region?

The reaction from the ecosystem was unexpectedly welcoming. From the very first moment, we received support from our superb country partners, brand ambassadors and friends from east to west.
I believe the region is hungry for initiatives, young innovators are standing at the start waiting for the right moment to get into the game. We can give them the possibilities to begin with their games. They know that and they do everything to participate.


What can you tell about last year?

The last edition was a great success: nearly 3000 startups and other ecosystem players of the 8 countries were called to take part in the region’s largest startup competition.
It was a great challenge for us but we made it and this year we will make it even greater! It has been a long ride until now and I know that a much longer and more successful is ahead.


And what is new this year?
This year we will have fewer categories, last year we had 20 and this year we will have only 10. In this way, we focus more on certain aspects and give more relevance to those who deserve it. 2 categories, “The Master of AI” and “The Digital Transformers were created by MeOut Group with the aim of shedding more light on the game-changers who leverage the new technologies and creating disrupting innovative solutions.


Why do you think it’s worth being part of EASA?

EASA is an amazing initiative to connect like-minded individuals to create a community and this community with the global ecosystem. These people with the same beliefs are the engine of the ecosystem, full of bravery, talent and energy. Together with them, we can restart the ecosystem. So, if anybody joins in, can expect a hard-working community that sticks together.
For those who want to partner up, we offer business insights of a 350 Million Region, access to an innovative community and exposure.

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