The European Commission selected the project proposal of MeOut Group. The Pilot will contribute the improvement and the modernisation of the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro.
The European Commission has made available €4 million for four pilot projects with the Western Balkans in the vocational education and training (VET) sector, confirming its commitment to invest in young people, education and skills.
We, MeOut Group will lead the project – Connected Through Mobility – from Hungary and work with 17 partners to maximize the outcome for all the parties.
The consortium has a strong Central European character involving countries which have strong historical, economical, political and cultural links towards the region.
The Connected Through Mobility initiative involves the 10 following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
It’s an honor for us to work for the development of the 27 EU member states plus Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro.
The proposal emphasizes the importance of an innovative approach in the vocational education sector.
During the next 3,5 years several mobilities, conferences, startup events, study trips, job shadowings will be organised in multiple locations in the participating countries involving students, teachers, decision makers, professionals from the VET sector.
The project is part of the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funding mechanism and received funding from the European Union.