How can we make Erasmus+ projects greener? How can we implement eco-friendly practises in our residential projects? What are other organisations already doing in this field? With those and many other questions in mind, MeOut decided to participate in this KA2 project in order to find some answers, and after a lot of working we are ready to present to the world the magic of #ECOrasmus, a project we hope will deliver us many great things.
MeOut Group is part of the project #ECOrasmus alongside with our partners of European Intercultural Forum e.V., Fundació Catalunya Voluntària, Graphistes de l’Ombre and The Tree Party, organizations based in Germany, Spain, France and Netherlands. Amongst other things, we are conducting a research together in which we are inviting stakeholders in the field of European Youth Work to share their views, opinions and experiences. Through questionnaires, interviews and focus-groups we try to learn about eco-friendly (best) practices in residential youth work activities. And gather ideas and tips for the better.
In essence, the project promotes quality and innovation in youth work through strengthening organisational capacities to implement sustainable and eco-friendly youth projects and to trigger a multi-stakeholder European dialogue on eco-friendly practices in youth work. With all the research and the work we are doing we expect to publish a handbook on eco-friendly practices in educational youth work with which we expect to inspire other organizations and people. We will keep you updated about the news of this fantastic project and also when we publish the handbook.