Volunteering in Szeged!
Long-term volunteering with Startup Szeged
Deadline: 20 December 2021
3 volunteers to join a 12-months volunteering project to support Startup Szeged’s daily activities on an international level with the local community!
We have space for 3 volunteers with 3 different focus fields:
The volunteers will join and support our daily activities as an organization, and in case they have personal initiatives, we will support their ideas.
– to plan, create and realise new ways to engage young people (on a national and local level);
– we are working on the idea of creating a podcast series, and this volunteer will contribute to the project idea. Since we have the possibility to use a dedicated podcast room (provided by DOOR). The volunteer will need to host a podcast at least once a month!
– to support the dissemination on a local level and use these moments to investigate young people’s preferences and needs;
– to create podcasts, questionnaires, surveys;
– coordinate and divide the tasks with the other volunteers and the host organization
– actively participate in the meetings and contribute with new ideas and honest opinions on the strategies to develop.
– Organise meetings/gathering/events for local players (with the support of the host organisation)
– to strengthen the cooperation between youth, university students of Szeged and local stakeholders, such as students associations, NGOs, startups, coworking space;
– to create meetings and a round table to gather these organisations/individuals;
– to support the development of the project ideas;
– to support in identifying the needs of the local stakeholders and students
– to structure the meetings and writing meeting summaries;
– to support the onlince visibility of the organisation with creating posts on social media channels
– coordinate and divide the tasks with the other volunteers;
Mainly to work closly with the local community builder volunteer.
– Organise meetings/gathering/events for local players (with the support of the host organisation)
– support the organisation of the different projects by assisting and taking notes during the local and international meetings,
– organising with other local and international volunteers and participants dissemination activities to inform and spread the voice among young people about the ESC program and opportunities, participate on youth exchanges.
– he/she will share the tasks and responsibilities with the other volunteers and follow the weekly organisation’s meeting to keep track of the ongoing projects and tasks
– contribute in new ideas, project proposals, and assist in keeping administrative documents in order and other specific tasks that will manifest during their volunteering period
The accommodation costs are covered. Volunteers will live in a shared flat equipped with all the necessary utilities for comfortable living in Szeged.
Each month volunteer’s receive a total of 250€ pocket and food money.
International transport
The transportation from home country to Hungary and back will be covered according to the distance calculator of Erasmus+ program.
Local transport
Each volunteer receives a monthly pass for public transport in Szeged.